Chet Valley Medical Practice in Norwich

General information

Chet Valley Medical Practice general practice is located in Norwich, Norfolk
OrganisationID: 5786

Address: George House, 40-48 George Lane, Loddon Norwich Norfolk NR14 6QH

Position on map:

Chet Valley Medical Practice contact

In this section you can find contact information, so you can get answers about usual needs such as book appointment, repeat prescriptions, econsult and online appointment.

Contact phone number: 01508 520222

Contact email address:

Chet Valley Medical Practice opening hours

Reception opening times

Day Opening hours
Monday 08:00-18:30
Tuesday 08:00-18:30
Wednesday 08:00-18:30
Thursday 08:00-20:30
Friday 08:00-18:30
Saturday closed
Sunday closed

Surgery opening times

Day Opening hours
Monday 08:30-12:10; 14:00-17:20
Tuesday 08:30-12:10; 14:00-17:20
Wednesday 08:30-12:10; 14:00-17:20
Thursday 08:30-12:10; 14:00-17:20; 18:30-20:30
Friday 08:30-12:10; 14:00-17:20
Saturday closed
Sunday closed

Doctors and Staff



Review summary:

Rated 1.0 out of 5
1.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Very good0%

Recent reviews:


Rated 1.0 out of 5
June 1, 2023

You try to get an appointment and your cant get one, told that your doctor had done his/her 3 days that week, and not in until their next shift pattern the following week. If you want to been seen quickly you have to phone up at 8:30 abusing the system intended for emergency same day appointments otherwise it could be between 10 and 17 days before you are seen. If something happens during the day you are told to go to a&e and he reception team refuse to allow you to see a doctor or nurse.

The dispensary team will no longer talk to anyone regarding repeat prescriptions and are only available between 10 and 12 four days a week for enquires.

They changed their computer system but failed to inform anyone who uses the online system of this, meaning the first they knew that could no longer get medication via patient access was when they either tried to order a repeat prescription or their medication failed to arrive.

Their online forms are only available between 10am and 5pm meaning if you work you can not use them.

James Christopher Rivett

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